Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chapter by Chapter Synopses

Some authors do them and some do not. In the 2010 Novel & Short Story Writer's Market Gregory Frost says the following in regards to outlining (making fantasy real):

"There are writers who stick to a form--who outline everything in detail and then stick to the outline right to the end.  There are writers who, like Raymond Carver, follow a sentence down a rabbit hole and don't know where it's taking them.  I fall somewhere in between.  I outline to ensure that I have a story, a structure, as a point of reference, and once I'm satisfied that's the case I abandon the outline and let the story run." 

I share a similar method.  I usually write a story synopsis and a chapter by chapter synopsis.  My story synopsis is usually just a brief, one page, summary of the book.  The chapter by chapter synopsis is sort of like my blueprint except I don't always follow it.  Like Gregory Frost, I create the outline of the chapters just as a guide to make sure I'm keeping on track, but then I generally just kind of let the story take me where it may along that path.

So this is a method I would recommend especially if there are a number of characters and perspectives or twists in the plot of the story.  Sometimes it just helps to have something to keep you on track, otherwise your story could end up heading in a direction that you definitely did not want it to go. 

Before writing The Mechanical Room I was working on a trilogy that was very complex and had many characters and twists in the plot of the story... I didn't outline for that one, and I got lost.  Now, I have to go back and map out things correctly before I can revisit it.  And that's okay... it's all a part of learning and growing as a writer right?  We each have particular things that we do that work for us, but may not work for others.  I share my experiences for that aspiring writer who is looking to know what may have helped others who have experienced something similar in their journey.

I hope this helps someone out there!

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